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Artificial intelligence in radiology: 100 commercially available products and their scientific evidence
van Leeuwen, Schalekamp, Rutten, van Ginneken, de Rooij
“The overview included 100 CE-marked AI products from 54 different vendors. For 64/100 products, there was no peer-reviewed evidence of its efficacy.”
Volpara had the most scientific papers of all breast radiology AI software reviewed in the study.
Supplemental Breast Cancer Screening With Molecular Breast Imaging for Women With Dense Breast Tissue
Shermis, Wilson, Doyle, Martin, Merryman, Kudrolli, Brenner
“When incorporated into a community-based clinical practice environment, molecular breast imaging yielded a high incremental cancer detection rate of 7.7% at an acceptable radiation dose. These results show the utility of molecular breast imaging as a
supplementary screening tool to mammography for women with dense breasts.”
MRI versus mammography for breast cancer screening in women with familial risk (FaMRIsc): a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial
Saadatmand, Geuzinge, Rutgers, Mann, van Zuidewijn, Zonderland, Tollenaar, Lobbes, Ausems, van 't Riet, Hooning, Mares-Engelberts, Luiten, Heijnsdijk, Verhoef, Karssemeijer, Oosterwijk, Obdeijn, de Koning, Tilanus-Linthorst
“MRI screening detected cancers at an earlier stage than mammography. The lower number of late-stage cancers identified in incident rounds might reduce the use of adjuvant chemotherapy and decrease breast cancer-related mortality.”
Does three-dimensional functional infrared imaging improve breast cancer detection based on digital mammography in women with dense breasts?
Hellgren, Sundbom, Czene, Izhaky, Hall, Dickman
“The use of 3DIRI to select women for an additional MRI can result in the detection of additional cancers in women with dense breasts, but at the expense of additional false positives and considerably lower positive predictive value of the combined examinations.”
Breast cancer diagnosis in a specialised breast clinic: Are cancers detected by ultrasound alone less aggressive?
Blanco, Evans, Porter
“This study illustrates the complementary benefits of mammography and BUS, especially where breast density is high. Tumours diagnosed by BUS alone had better prognostic features in terms of size, lymphovascular invasion, lymph node status, differentiation and hormone receptors, compared with cancers where all three modalities were positive.”
Evaluation of a Stratified National Breast Screening Program in the United Kingdom: An Early Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Gray, Donten, Karssemeijer, van Gils, Evans, Astley, Payne
“The base-case analysis, supported by probabilistic sensitivity analysis, suggested that the risk stratified NBSPs (risk 1 and risk-2) were relatively cost-effective when compared with the current UK NBSP, with incremental cost-effectiveness ratios of £16,689 per QALY and £23,924 per QALY, respectively.”
What are the benefits and harms of risk stratified screening as part of the NHS breast screening Programme? Study protocol for a multi-site non-randomised comparison of BC-predict versus usual screening
French, Astley, Brentnall, Cuzick, Dobrashian, Duffy, Gorman, Harkness, Harrison, Harvie, Howell, Jerrison, Machin, Maxwell, McWilliams, Payne, Qureshi, Ruane, Sampson, Stavrinos, Thorpe, Ulph, van Staa, Woof, Evans
“Once a clear mammogram result has been provided, a risk feedback letter is generated based on the answers participants give in their questionnaire and mammographic breast density (calculated from uploaded raw data by Volpara systems) … The risk feedback letter will inform women that they are at “high” (≥8% 10-year risk), “moderate” (≥5% but < 8% 10-year risk), “average” (≥ 2% but < 5% 10-year risk), or “below average” risk (< 2% 10-year risk).”
MR Imaging as an Additional Screening Modality for the Detection of Breast Cancer in Women Aged 50–75 Years with Extremely Dense Breasts: The DENSE Trial Study Design
Emaus, Bakker, Peeters, Loo, Mann, de Jong, Bisschops, Veltman, Duvivier, Lobbes, Pijnappel, Karssemeijer, Koning, van den Bosch, Monninkhof, Mali, Veldhuis, van Gils
“In this study, mammographic density is measured by using a fully automated volumetric method. Participants with extremely dense breasts (American College of Radiology breast density category 4) and a negative result at mammography (Breast Imaging Recording and Data System category 1 or 2) are randomly assigned to undergo additional MR imaging (n = 7237) or to be treated according to current practice (n = 28 948).”
Follow-up Data With Screening Sonography
New York State Breast Density Mandate
Destounis, Arieno, Morgan
“The results of our continued evaluation of our screening sonography program confirm that screening breast sonography in women with dense breast tissue can detect otherwise occult malignancy, with a low biopsy rate.”
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2015
Initial Experience With the New York State Breast Density Inform Law at a Community-Based Breast Center
Destounis, Arieno, Morgan
“Handheld screening breast sonography performed in women with dense breast tissue can aid in the detection of otherwise occult breast cancer, as we found 2 cancers in the study population, with an overall positive predictive value of 8%.”